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Friday, September 21, 2012

Positive Behavior Rewards


I have posted before about my "Secret Student" before but I am posting about it again to include in in What the Teacher Wants Behavior Management Linky Party!  Get over there and get yourself some good ideas! These last few weeks have been hectic and crazy.  The kids in my class have been real troopers through it all.  We went from three first grades to two first grades after the first two days of school.  Yeah, that was interesting to say the least and I think we are all finally getting into the groove of things!  We added some more friends, moved some tables around and crammed ourselves in nice and cozy!  

I am always looking for ways to bribe promote good behavior.  We give Eagle Feathers out at our school and in first grade we keep them in a shoe organizer labeled with their number.  They kids had no idea that it was a shoe organizer.  As I was helping someone tie their shoes the first day we had the shoe organizer up, I had a student who was absent (when I explained the system) come up and ask where they put their Eagle Feather.  I kept saying "In the shoe organizer."  They put it in their shoe.   It stayed there a good part of the morning until I noticed.  We trade our Eagle Feathers in for coupons we got here.  The kids love the coupon system.

 I also have a "Secret Student."  Each morning before the kids come in I fill out one of these by writing a student's name on the line:

Then I stick it in a magnetic container and put it at the top of the board.  There is also a little glitter in there for good measure.
At the end of the day, I get it out and pull out the name.  If that student had a good day, they get to keep the note to take home to mom and dad.  They also get something out of my little prize box.  If the student didn't have such a good day, I don't call them out.  I just put it in my pocket and explain that whoever it was didn't have a very good day and maybe they will have a better day tomorrow.

 The kids LOVE the Secret Student.  They always remind me at the end of the day.  All I have to say throughout the day is "I need to check on my Secret Student."  You can only imagine how that gets pencils moving, lines straighter, voices off....

If you want a free copy of the Star Student cards you can get it here

If you need the version with "behaviour"  (Aussie, UK, Canada version) click HERE!  (Free on TpT)

Hope everyone is having a great week!


  1. What a cool idea! Thanks! And, I am your newest happy to have found your darling blog!
    Growing Firsties


    1. Hii I read your blog and found that your blog is full of informative content. So keep posting thanks for share this article.your article is very amazing.i like your article. thanks you ones again.
      BSC RESULT 2020 (PART 1ST,2ND,3RD)

  2. Thanks for emailing me the change to the Secret Student certificate. I have just posted about it, and linked back here. Can't wait to try this in class next term...J
    Teaching With J

  3. I followed Judith's link and read about your idea. How fabulous! Could I bother you and also have a copy with the word "behaviour" instead?

    Thanks so much,

    Teaching Maths with Meaning

  4. SUPER CUTE!! I seriously might have to start using this with my 5th graders!! Thanks for the idea and thanks for linking up with us!!
    -Natalie and Rachelle

  5. I love this idea. I saw something similar somewhere else but your's is so much cuter. Is there any chance I could get an editable version because I teach in Canada and we spell "behaviour" differently. Thanks!

  6. That's a great idea! Thanks for sharing!
    Fun in First Grade

  7. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!! I hope it's okay if I blog about this and link back to you. Please let me know!!! :)
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  8. I LOVE this idea!!!! I used something similar, but only for the hallway. I love the idea of having one student all day. Where did you get the container that you use to put the note in? I love that and would love to get one! Thanks!

  9. I'm a new follower! Can't wait to find all the goodies you must have on your blog! WHERE did you get that vocabulary pocket chart? I NEED it!
    Primary Pointe

    1. Really Good Stuff Frayer 4-Square Model Pocket Chart

  10. Hi this is a fantastic idea and your blog is amazing! Please would you send me a copy of the one that has 'behaviour'
    Thank you :)

  11. Would I be able to have a copy with behaviour instead! Perfect for my y7s!

  12. Love this! Thanks for sharing! Where did you get your magnetic container?

  13. I also love this. Thanks for sharing!!

  14. Could you please tell me where you purchased the magnetic, see-through container? Thanks!

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    هيام جمعه سالم محامى الاحوال الشخصية(الحضانة)بالمهندسين والعجوزة الحضانة شروطها ، سن الحضانة ، التنازل عنها ، وحق تنقل المحضون المحامي هيام جمعه سالم – أحكام الحضــانـــة شروطها ، سن الحضانة ، التنازل عنها ، وحق تنقل المحضون ، والعديد من الأحكام الأخرى ….. ويشترط في الحاضن من الرجال ثلاث شروط : 1- أن يكون قادراً على تربية الصغير بأن يكون سليماً صحياً. 2- أن يكون أميناً على الصغير لا يشتهر عنه الفسوق. 3- أن يكون متحداً والمحضون في الدين. محامى طلاق وخلع بالقاهرة والاسكندرية_أشهر محامى خلع بمدينة نصر ومصر الجديدة – أفضل محامى – محامى طلاق اجانب فى مصر- محامى احوال شخصية – محامى يوتيوب – البورصة المصرية – أحوال شخصية – محامى طلاق وخلع شاطر – عايز محامى طلاق ونفقة – محامى – البورصة المصرية – انهاء اجراءات الطلاق بأسرع وقت الأثر المترتب على حكم الضم 1- إسقاط نفقة أجر الحضانة عن الصغير والتي تحصلها الحاضنة . 2- إسقاط اجر المسكن. 3- إبطال مفروض نفقة الصغير. ويمكن تحريك دعوى بإسقاط الثلاثة من تاريخ صدور حكم الضم ، لان ما فرض بحكم لا يبطل إلا بحكم قضائي. فيسعدنا أتصالكم بنا وتقديم العون والمشورة لكم الاتصال والرد على الاستشارات القانونية المستشار الدكتوره هيام جمعه سالم للاستشارات القانونية القاهرة:العنوان : ميدان ابن سندر 10 ج خلف البنك العربي الافريقي الدور الاول اداري
    مواعيد العمل : يومياً من الساعة 9 صباحاً إلى 10 مساءً . للإستفسار والتواصل: 01061680444.

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  131. Farhan Akhtar will soon be seen in the upcoming sports drama, Toofaan in the role of a boxer. The film has created quite a storm ever since its teaser came out. The actor was highly praised for his performance in the trailer and has gotten into the skin of his character with extreme ease.Directed by Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra, Toofaan marks the second collaboration for Akhtar and Mehra, who previously brought Milkha Singh's life story to the big screen in the 2013 biopic Bhaag Milkha Bhaag. Toofaan is produced by Ritesh Sidhwani, Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra and Farhan Akhtar. The much-awaited movie features a stellar cast with Farhan in the lead alongside Mrunal Thakur, Paresh Rawal, Supriya Pathak Kapur and Hussain Dalal. The Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra directorial will premiere globally on Amazon Prime Video on May 21, 2021.The teaser shows glimpses from the life of Ajju Bhai, played by Farhan. He is the town goon, a thug from Dongri who beats up people at whim, creating chaos wherever he goes. However, he carves a new life for himself when he decides to become a boxer. With support from his girlfriend (Mrunal) and his trainer (Paresh), and a lot of hard work, Ajju Bhai becomes 'Toofaan'.Rakeysh is reuniting with Farhan after seven years and he said the actor-director was the perfect fit for the lead role in Toofaan. "After working with Farhan in Bhaag Milkha Bhaag, I was certain he would be the perfect protagonist for Toofaan. The best thing about him is that he does not act the part, but lives it completely.

    "Toofaan is a story that will motivate and inspire all of us to get out of comfort zones and fight towards achieving our dreams. We cannot wait to present our film to viewers across the globe," the filmmaker added.Earlier, speaking about the film, Farhan had said, "The script of a film should move him as an actor, feels Farhan. Putting this level of effort is only possible, if the story motivates you to give your best. At the end of the day, we’re not making a film to showcase a great physique, but to emotionally engage the audience with the journey of the character. To make that experience believable, all efforts are worth it."i think you are excited to watch more movies on my website.there is more can check & watch now here.
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