They have an incredible story:
Jessica, Taytum's mother, was admitted into the hospital on bed rest December 2, 2012. The Connor family thought they would possibly have Taytum any day because of their previous history of losing twins at 20 weeks and two years later they lost another daughter at 21 weeks. Jessica was on bed rest for 44 days. During this time, medical staff administered steroid shots, rounds of antibiotics to decrease any chances of infection and Jessica was given magnesium to prevent contractions. Taytum's heart rate was being monitored and at 29 weeks, medical staff decided that it was time to do an emergency C-section. On January 15, 2013 Taytum was born at 2 pounds, 4.3 ounces and 14 inches long. Taytum spent 10 weeks in St. Mary's NICU. Taytum was discharged on her due date (March 28).
Taytum is now a healthy, vibrant 1 year old, thanks to the medical support of the March of Dimes. Her family is the 2014 Knox County, Indiana ambassador family for the March of Dimes, March for Babies. You can read more about the Connor family's story here.
When we told the Connor family that we were wanting to do a fundraiser in Taytum's honor they were beyond grateful. Taytum's mother said, "Taytum received medications that are available because of research promoted by March of Dimes: 17P shots, steroid shot for her lung development and surfactant, but mostly her care in the NICU would not be possible without the research and funding March of Dimes has dedicated to preterm babies."
Several teacher bloggers have come together to help raise awareness for this incredible cause. All of the profits made from the sales will be donated in Taytum’s honor to help support the research of the March of Dimes, March for Babies.
You can check out the bundles by clicking HERE! Thank you for supporting this cause!
My son was due March 26th and born on January 15, 2013 as well! He weighed 3 pounds 2 ounces at his lowest weight and spent 45 days in the NICU. He is also one of our local ambassador babies for the March of Dimes! I'm so happy to help support the March of Dimes (and I wish I had thought of this for a fundraiser haha)!