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Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Creative Teacher Giveaway! 1 for Me & 1 for You

Teachers can be a crafty bunch and this blog hop is a great way to find some great crafts for your classroom... you could even win a few of these crafts for yourself!
I have always used pencil buckets for sharpened and unsharpened pencils in my classroom.  I figured this summer I would spruce them up by using vinyl lettering and adding some cute ribbon.  These are what I used before... they were always falling over and the pencils were always spilling out.  So I picked up some of these tin pails from Wal-Mart... but you can get them at so many different craft stores!
I used a cricut to cut out the letters and the pencils and added some cute matching ribbon.  

 I also made another bucket for "missing pieces".  This was for those pesky dice, game cards, center cards, and other small pieces that students find.  They just place them in this little bucket and once a week I make sure to get them put back where they belong!
You can pick up the versions of this craft pictured below!  I went with primary colors for the giveaway so that they can match almost any classroom! Just enter the rafflecopter for a chance to win!

Head on over to Looney's Lit Blog to check out her creative teacher giveaway.  Click on the button below!


  1. My classroom is done in black and white with accents of bright neon colors! :)

  2. These are so cute! My theme is black with white polka dots! I have got to learn how to work the vinyl and my cricut!


    Mrs. Payton's Precious Kindergarteners

  3. I love neon colors but have a little bit of a jungle theme, too. lol

  4. I haven't decided yet. It may be bright colors or Hope King's Patterns Galore decor. I have to inventory my stuff and see which better fits. :)

  5. I have some material that is black with neon dots around a table and above cabinets. I try to use that to match accent pieces, but usually it's a mix of things! :) These buckets are awesome! I love the spare parts one. I could really use that to round up all those little odds and ends that the kids don't quite get back to the right spot!
    Teacher Treasure Hunter

  6. I so wish I had a classroom and so does my husband! Right now as a stay-at-home mom & tutor my home has literally turned into my classroom.
    I LOVE the buckets. They turned out beautifully!
    Differentiation Station Creations

  7. Thanks for the opportunity to win! These are so cute! A wonderful addition to any classroom! I don't use a classroom theme. I go for bright and colorful, so these containers will fit right in! LOL!

  8. Black backgrounds with polka dots! Wendy

  9. My theme is FROGS tied in with polka dots! I love your containers!!

  10. I was thinking about staying with Owls again this year, but then I think I might just go with shades of blue.

  11. Mine is going to be gray, yellow, and aqua this next year. Can't wait to get it all put together. Thanks for the chance to win!

  12. I use cans also. I love the way you spruced them up. I want to make me some.

  13. I use primary colors. The buckets are so cute!

  14. These are the perfect colors for my classroom! My theme is monkeys, polka dots, and chevron. I love bright colors! Love the buckets. They came out awesome!

  15. Not exactly sure. However, I do have a red, blue, yellow and green table for my kids to sit at so your colors would work totally!

  16. My classroom theme is all things with primary colors and a "school" theme...if that makes sense?!?! Anyways, this giveaway is meant for would be with my classroom perfectly! *fingers crossed*

  17. I don't really have one yet. I want to do black and white with owls.

  18. My theme is always bright bold colors with polka dots!

  19. I've never really done a theme. So this year I am at least going to feel coordinated with blue chevron stuff ;)

  20. I love these buckets! I want them for my classroom! I feel so dumb because I've never heard of a cricut but, now I'm curious. LOL
    Love Teaching Kids

  21. My theme was blue/red this last year. I am getting a new carpet so am thinking of doing rainbow themed.

  22. I have a brand new theme this year... I found the cutest Boho moose and woodland animals at a teacher supply store! The moose makes me smile every time I look at it. I made sure to put him on the bulletin board that faces the classroom door so I'd see him right away when I came into my room! :) JoAn Really needing a cricut now that I've seen what cute things you can do with it!!

  23. My theme is going to be bright colors and Clifford. I love your pails! Thank you for giving us the chance to win them.

  24. I love these. They certainly beat the red plastic Santa cups I've been using and the 'throw it on my desk' approach to 'found pieces.' Our theme is Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes.

  25. My theme this year is going to be polka dots and owls.

  26. Our entire school has been packed up and we are moving into a new building. I am not exactly sure what my new classroom will look like, but I know that I will be using bright bold colors. These tins would be great to replace my current tins.....made from solo cups ;)

    You can check out some of my classroom boards and decorations on my blog

    Happy Summer!

  27. Black and white with pastels.

  28. I work with school age children in an after school program and my current theme was brown with pokadots, but it changed about every 3 months. I really like using brighter colors most of the year!

  29. My classroom theme will more than likely be owls again.

  30. my classroom theme is going to be a safari theme again :)

  31. Green and blue classroom theme!


  32. Im still looking for a theme. moving back to second after 9 years in kindergarten. I love the buckets .

  33. Neon colors and stars since it is our PBIS theme.

  34. I usually do my room in blues and greens and place frogs and monkeys all around. Not quite a jungle theme but with my favorite animals. I haven't decided if I am going to continue the theme for next year.
    Kinders on the Block

  35. I LOVE LOVE LOVE these buckets! I just threw out my old coffee can sun faded cups in HOPES of winning this set! I haven't decided on a theme yet- I only finished school yesterday so 'next year' isn't in my immediate thoughts right now!! Thanks for creating and offering this!!!

  36. These are amazing! I love them!!! My theme next year is bright pink, green, and yellow.

  37. I am going to add more pops of color and maybe some jungle/safari items.

  38. I hate to admit this, but I honestly don't know what my theme is going to be.

  39. My theme this year is going to be bright colors with polka dots. Hopefully it will be simple and easy. Ruthanne

  40. I am SO indecisive on my classroom theme. I'm waiting to go fabric shopping for my bulletin boards for inspiration!!

  41. I don't have a classroom theme--something to be thinking about, I guess!

  42. Not real sure yet.... I have some polka dot stuff and some owls.... Still trying to decide :)

  43. I think I am going to go with a Board Game theme for next year! Thanks for the giveaway :)

  44. I have monsters up but I am not sure if I'm leaving it. I have to wait until I have a "vision" which means I dream about it and just go with it. That's the way my brain works! lol

  45. My theme is frogs and blue, green, yellow colors.

  46. My theme is a color theme: aqua, chalkboard black, white, gray, and chevron.

  47. I use bright colors like pink, green, blue, orange. These are all super cute!

  48. My theme next year will be chevron (probably red and black). Love the buckets!

  49. I'm going to use a light aqua color, some chevron and use pops of greatness in it to be decided at a later date.

  50. I'm wanting to do tie dye but don't have it yet so it could change. My trouble is that I love it all. Thanks for the chance.

  51. I just go for color, but not too much clutter! I often relate things back to sports/teamwork, so that probably should be my theme :)

  52. I haven't decided on a theme or if I'll do one but I always use polka dots no matter what!

  53. I'm doing Superheroes next year. Haven't done it before and am excited to try it. These buckets are so cute!!!

  54. Not sure, but it will be primary colors mostly.

  55. I love the containers! They gave me some ideas!!!

  56. My classroom theme is rockstars next year!! I'm using pink & black zebra stripes as a part of my theme. I'm so excited!!! :)

  57. My theme is sock monkeys. I used to go all out and completely change my decor but this year I'm just adding a few signs and having some around the room (on the bookcase, etc). My colors are red, blue and lime green. I got some cute sock monkey clip art on Etsy and am just going to do a little bit. Thanks for your awesome blog!

  58. My theme this year will be Pete the Cat again. I used him last year and the kids loved it. I hope to add to it this year. Thank you for the chance to win and for your creativity.

  59. I am using turquoise, lime green and pink. Just colors not a specific theme.

  60. My room has turquoise/blue, shades of green, some pink, with dots, chevron, & owls as accents here and there. It all fits together somehow :) Cute goodies you are offering!

  61. Haven't been in to my new room yet! But, have started gathering turquoise/black and a bit of red... Adorable goodies!

  62. My classroom theme is superheroes, but I am struggling with finding a good coordinating border for my decorations...sooooo I may just do the neat hexa-fun pattern from Creative Teaching Press.
